Our Dishes
- Lettuce, onion and tomato
- Ensalada Mixta
- Tomato, goat cheese and nuts
- Tomato, tuna belly y olive
- Templada especial de la Casa
Mixed cold meats and Cheese
- Mixes cold meats table and hard cheese
- Dried meat with goat cheese
- La Peral cheese with quince jelly
- Homemade Croquettes
- Home-Made Scorpionfish Cake
- Portion of Calamari
- Cuttlefish
- Fries with 3 sauces
- Avilés´ "Longaniza"
- Cooked Lacon
- Scallops
- Razors
- Pork tenderloin ham and potatoes
- Chorizo, ham, eggs and potatoes
- Grounded Beef, eggs and potatoes
- Adobo cubes, eggs and potatoes
Meat and Fish
- Home-made calluses with fries
- Stewed Cheeks
- Traditional "Cachopines"
- Curly goat and jerky "cachopines"
- La Peral "Escalopines"
- Braised octopus leg
- Octopus and prawn casserole
House specialty: Lamb into Stake
- Cordero a la Estaca